MAiD In California (CA)

As of July 2024, Kristy Martin is gathering signatures for a Berkeley-specific Medical Aid in Dying initiative she proposed, which -- if passed -- would extend this option to any resident of the City of Berkeley who is age 25 or older. California's current End of Life Options Act is restricted to individuals whose death is expected to occur within 6 months. If you're a registered Berkeley voter (see Alameda County, CA info tab below) who would like to sign the ballot measure and/or if you'd like to help Kristy with this campaign, please feel free to contact her via email bears4dresearch@gmail.com or mobile (510) 674-3214. The petition as well as more information about the statewide measure and how you can express your support if you're not a resident will continue to be updated.
If you're a resident of California, please contact candidates running for State Senate (if you're in an odd numbered district, due to four-year service term) and State Assembly (all districts, due to two-year service term) offices in your district.
If you're unsure in which district you are located, please contact your local county registrar or elections department.
At minimum, emphasize that your vote for them hinges on their support and prioritization for this Berkeley-specific Medical Aid in Dying implemented as a statewide initiative.
If you're not registered to vote, please do so in your county, which you can lookup here.